Saturday, April 5, 2008

Non profit organizations

I had been working non profit organizations jobs for a couple years before I thought about having a non profit start up of my own. You see, my goal had been to serve. I had worked for Teach for America, teaching inner-city kids. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I hadn't thought about how to start a non profit before because my goal had always been to serve. I am not trying to brag, but I have been raised with some pretty good values. I believe that the most important thing is to try to make other people's lives better. That is what is most rewarding in life, after all.

I only decided to make my own non profit start up when I saw some of the shortcomings of the existing programs. Teach for America has some really good things about it, but in many ways it is hopelessly bureaucratic and badly managed. Simply put, a big national organization can not really deal with the needs of the community the way that a smaller one can. In the same way that many people start a small business to fill a local niche market, I began a non profit start up. I had gotten very used to the Washington DC area, and really wanted to do something to help the kids there. Starting a nonprofit seemed like the best way to go. After all, it was what I was experienced at.

I have never been adverse to hard work, but I have always had a problem with organization and details. The non profit start up really taxed my patience and my abilities to their utmost. You see, our government doesn't do much to make non profit start ups any easier. As a matter of fact, unless you are connected with a religious organization, it is almost impossible to apply for grants, get the necessary licenses, and really start to succeed with your nonprofit. It happens from time to time, but usually it requires you to be pretty connected.

Nonetheless, I am glad that I went through all the work to get my non profit start up going. I had thought briefly about getting into the world of business to make some cash, but making a change in a other people's lives is better than all of the business profit I could make. I am not saying that beginning a non profit start up or working in the nonprofit world is for everyone, because it isn't. However, if you could see yourself committing your life to service of the poor and unfortunate, you really should consider it. It will be a rich and rewarding experience, I guarantee.